Freitag, 25. Januar 2019


Flag Counter THE BRITISH EMPIRE SCHALL SAVE EUROPA FROM THE FIRE- NO TO BREXIT-KAPITAIN DO NOT ABANDON LAST SHIP-STAY SAVE-NO TO BREXIT The North consists of the northern half of the Seven Kingdoms[10] and is ruled by House Stark from their castle at Winterfell.[11] The North is sparsely populated, but it is nearly as big as the other six kingdoms combined.[12] Martin compared the North to Scotland.[S 13] The climate is cold overall, with hard winters and mild snows common regardless of season.[12] The region's northern border is the New Gift, which is a stretch of land 50 leagues wide and in possession of the Night's Watch.[13] An isthmus of swampland named The Neck separates the North from the South.[10][14] It is home to small, marsh-dwelling crannogmen and is ruled by House Reed of Greywater Watch, bannermen of House Stark.[14][15] The Neck's narrowness, difficult terrain, and almost impenetrable Moat Cailin help protect the North from invasion.[16] The city of White Harbor is a thriving port.[17] Illegitimate children born of a noble parent in the North are given the surname Snow.[18] scotland-eu-no to brexit


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